



Information for Students and Advisors

Information for Students and Advisors

Explorations is a set of general educations courses required for graduation. It is based on five broad learning outcomes that lie at the core of a liberal arts education.  Simply put, we expect our graduates to be able to

  1. communicate effectively, 
    (EH 102 or EH 208, writing reinforcement WR, creative expression CE)
  2. solve problems creatively,
    (quantitative analysis QA, scientific methodologies SM, interpretations and analysis IA)
  3. engage their social and political world, 
    (foreign language, global perspectives GP, community interest CI)
  4. connect their coursework to the wider world, 
    (Explorations in Scholarship seminar ES, Connections in Scholarship)
  5. engage in self-directed teaching and learning.

As you see above, those outcomes translate to the requirements you will find on the Explorations worksheet. EH 102 or 208 will fulfill the writing and critical thinking seminar requirement; the Explorations in Scholarship seminars (ES) promote the skills to use research to explore problems and develop solutions within an academic community; the Connections in Scholarship senior seminar prepares students undertake research in their field and present findings a public presentation. Other courses that fulfill requirements can be identified by the two-letter designation they carry, WR, CE, QA, SM, IA, GP, CI. 

How Do Courses Count?

To see how you are progressing toward completion of the Explorations requirements,

  1. Download the Explorations worksheet
  2. Refer to the disciplinary list of designated courses to date
  3. Compare courses on the list with those you have taken and “fill in the blanks” on the worksheet. The worksheet tells you what you need for each requirement.

To plan for other Explorations courses you may need, refer to the list of designated courses arranged by the two-letter designations.

As you fill out the worksheet remember

  1. When a course is designated for two learning outcomes, you may use it for only one.
  2. In the four-course academic Area Distribution,
    • any course in disciplines cited counts,
    • the courses do not have to be designated for a learning outcome,
    • but, they may be used for learning outcomes as well (in other words, they “double-dip),”
    • AP and IB credits many count.

Not all courses we teach will be approved to fulfill a learning outcome. In order to be approved, each course has to fulfill specific criteria set forth by the Faculty. Only courses proposed, vetted, and approved by the Faculty to fulfill a learning outcome will receive the two-letter designations.


Contact Degree Audit Specialist, Prof. Kim Lewis, [email protected]

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