



Housing Services

Housing Services


    Maintenance and Repairs

    对于学生在宿舍或公寓中遇到的任何问题,可以在线提交维护请求, including issues with the bedroom, bathroom, laundry room, or common areas. 请在了解情况后立即提出请求-等待可能会导致更多的问题和不便.

    如果您在下班后或周末有紧急维护请求, CONTACT CAMPUS POLICE AT 205-226-4700. Scroll down for more instructions on emergency maintenance reporting. 

    Submit a Maintenance Request
    • Visit the Maintenance Request Page to begin.
    • 输入365英国上市官网用户名和密码,进入维护请求系统.
    • Step 1: This will be filled in with your information from the 365英国上市官网 system.
    • Step 2: 单击位置字段中的下拉箭头并选择365英国上市官网居住生活. 不要跳过这一步,否则居住生活办公室将无法帮助您跟踪您的请求! 点击建筑区域的下拉箭头,选择你的宿舍楼, apartment, or Greek house. You can skip the Area drop down. 最后,在“区域/房间号”字段中输入您的房间/套房/公寓号. This is where you would typically write your room number. If you are entering a request for a different location, 请具体说明(如“楼梯井左侧2楼男厕”),以便工作人员快速发现问题.
    • Step 3: Select the icon that best describes your concern and click on it. 
    • Step 4: Type in your description of the problem. Be sure to give specific information, including the location of the problem in the room/suite/apartment. The more specific you can be, the better. 简单地说“空调坏了”并不能提供足够的信息. Instead, tell us "The AC isn't working. 当我们打开它时,没有空气从通风口出来,也没有发出任何噪音.“细节使运营人员能够随时准备好解决您的问题.
    • Step 5: Select a requested completion date for your request. 请记住,运营部门每天都会收到校园内无数的请求. 虽然我们会尽快解决您的问题,但可能不会在同一天发生. 
    • Step 6: Click Submit


    Is this an EMERGENCY or After Hours Request?

    Emergency maintenance issues that occur after 4:30 P.M. 周一至周五和周末应立即向校园警察报告,以便通知行动值班人员. 紧急情况是指需要立即注意以防止生命损失的事情, damage to property, or could be dangerous to you or others (fire, flood, electrical outage, extreme temperature, etc.). 

    Non-emergency work orders submitted after 4:00 P.M. 周一至周五及周末将在下一个工作日处理.  The Operations Office's hours are 8:00 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. Monday-Friday. 

    My Requests Tab

    提交维护请求后,屏幕将刷新到My request选项卡. 在这个屏幕上,您将看到有关您的请求的最新信息,包括:

    • Status
    • Work order number for reference
    • Date you requested the work
    • Completion Date once the work has been completed


    Need additional help?

    Once you submit a work order, you cannot make changes. 如果您需要取消或更新请求,请发送电子邮件至 [email protected].  不需要提交新的工作订单,可能会延长处理时间. If you have any questions about submitting a work order or need help, please contact your Resident Advisor or the Office of Residence Life. 如果请求是紧急情况,请立即联系您的住宿顾问或校园警察.

    Please note: In order for requests to be handled in a timely manner, 当住户不在家时,操作人员或客房部人员可能需要进入房间或公寓. 在进入任何住宅房间或公寓之前,操作人员或客房部人员都会敲门并宣布他们的存在,并且在他们离开时总是会锁门, regardless if it was unlocked when they entered. 



    洗衣机和烘干机位于每个宿舍的一楼, in each sorority townhouse and fraternity house, and in each individual Hilltop Village Apartment. 居民洗衣不收费,只需要提供肥皂!

    我们最先进的机器连接在一起,让学生看到机器何时可用, determine peak and off-peak times, and can also send you a text or email when your load is done!


    Break Housing

    休息住房是在宿舍关闭期间为符合特定标准的居民提供的一项服务, such as Christmas, and Spring Breaks. 在这些休息期间需要休息住房的每个学生都应该在住宿生活办公室的推动下完成适当的休息住房申请.

    Students who qualify for Break Housing:

    1. International students;
    2. Students from outside the Southeastern U.S. who are unable to go home.
    3. Students who live outside a 45 mile radius of Birmingham, AL who have jobs requiring them to stay in Birmingham. 学生雇主用公司抬头写的信必须附在休假住房申请中.
    4. Student athletes who have games during the break.

    Campus Safety

    校园安全是伯明翰南方学院最重要的,这也是为什么我们一直被评为全国最安全的大学校园之一! 365英国上市官网雇佣了一支18人的队伍来确保我们社区的安全. Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, Campus Police is ready to assist students, faculty, and staff with car trouble, 深夜陪同进出建筑物,或者在休息时间帮你喂金鱼. For more information on campus safety and the 365英国上市官网 Campus Police, click here.

    All residence halls are locked 24 hours a day and are equipped with combination door locks; these combinations change monthly and are only provided to residents of that residence hall. Campus Police routinely patrol the residential buildings.

    Click here for residence hall safety guidelines.


    Renter's Insurance

    On college campuses, 背包里通常装满了价值数千美元的电子产品和书籍, 学生自行车和其他贵重物品经常成为犯罪分子的目标. 而盗窃在伯明翰南方学院的校园里是不常见的, 我们鼓励所有的学生和家庭做好准备,并在保护贵重物品时使用合理的判断. To assist in this process, Birmingham-Southern College has partnered with GradGuard, 为住宿学生提供低成本租房保险解决方案的领导者. 伯明翰南方学院不收取补偿,以保持保费和免赔额尽可能低的学生的一部分. 如每个住宿学生每年签署的住房协议所示, 伯明翰南方学院对学生的个人财产不承担任何责任,也不提供任何经济保护.

    GradGuard College Renter’s Insurance is an exclusive plan, specifically designed for students. For approximately $.50 per day, the plan includes the following features:

    • Theft & Fire Protection for your laptop, bicycle, cell phone, or other valuable items
    • Homeowners Insurance Alternative means no credit checks and a lower deductible
    • Worldwide Coverage means your belongings are covered anywhere in the world, 即使你是在国外学习或在探索期出国
    • Liability Protection 如果你不小心损坏了宿舍楼或公寓,它可以为你提供保险
    • Replacement Costs to replace your old property if it is stolen
    • Preferred Rates and more!

    For more information on GradGuad Renter's Insurance, please click here. 作为住房申请过程的一部分,所有住宿学生必须接受或拒绝租房者的保险.

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